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Member of the BioCatalogue Muntsa Padró


Display Name:
Muntsa Padró

Email address:
muntsa.padro [at]

Universitat Pompeu Fabra


Services Submitted (8)

File splitter Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS splits an input file into smaller files containing the number of lines indicated as input parameter. Splitted files are stored in the results public directory, and the output is a file with the list of URLs pointing to each splitted file. Language independent WS.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

File merger Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a list of URLs pointing to LMF files, this webservice merges them into a single LMF file. It works for LMF files encoding the information in the same way, i.e. same labels, values and structure. This will work, for example, for merging different lexica learnt under PANACEA platform. If the LMF files contain equivalent information encoded in different ways, a mapping into a common format should be previously performed. This webservice is a generalization of merge_lmf_files (http://servi...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Social nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies social nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to t...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Semiotic nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies semiotic nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to th...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Process nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies process nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to the...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Matter nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies matter nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to thei...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Artifact nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies artifact nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to t...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Abstract nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies abstract nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to th...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Services Responsible For (0)

Services Annotated (27)

Regular expressions applicator Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a file with sentences where the studied word occurs, this WS applies the regular expressions in order to obtain the signatures.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Search signatures Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a list of lemmas, the WS looks for the occurrences of them in IULA corpus, applies the given regular expressions and returns all the signatures.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

IULA concordancer Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a lemma and a category, this WS returns the sentences of the IULA corpus where this lemma occurs. The user can perform a domain search. The languages supported are Spanish and English.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Lexical classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Views 6764 Favourites 0

This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).

Bayesian parameter estimation Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a training set encoded as vectors of cue (or feature) occurrences, this web service estimates the parameters P(cuei|class): the probability of seeing each cue as a member or non-member of the class. This estimation is performed using Bayesian inference, which combines prior knowledge with observed data. The parameters estimated with this web service can be used, for example, to classify new instances using a Naive Bayes classifier. The output format is the one needed as input for the...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Naive Bayes classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This webservice performs traditional Naive Bayes classification of instances given in a weka file. It outputs the predicted classification for each instance and some statistics about the performance of the classification. The parameters needed as input can be learnt using estimate_bayesian_parameters webservice.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Eventive nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies eventive nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to t...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

XML/TXT to Weka converter Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a XML signatures file (signatures.xml) and the indicators file (indicators.txt) with the nouns that belong or not to the class, this WS creates a file in ARFF format to experiment with Weka. Warning: the default encoding for input and outputs files is ISO-8859-1. It may be changed using optional parameters, but the two input files must have the same encoding, which must be indicated in the headers of the XML file.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Weka noun signatures creator Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This web service creates a weka file containing context information of a list of nouns in a given corpus. The context information for each noun is extracted using a set of Regular Expressions and it is encoded in one vector (one line per noun in the weka file). Each slot in the vector represents the number of times the regular expression in this position has been observed with the given noun. Inputs: - corpusId: Already indexed CQP corpus ID from which to extract the signatures. You can ind...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

P clue/ lexical class from Weka computer Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a training set encoded as vectors of cue (or feature) occurrences in weka format, this web service computes P(cuei|class): the probability of seeing each cue as a member or non-member of the class using MLE approach (counts frequencies of appearance of each cue in each class). Inputs: - weka_signatures: classified instances encoded as cue vectors. Each slot of the vector contains the number of times each feature has been observed for that instance. Also, we add special slots: total nu...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

P clue/ lexical class computer Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS calculates the probability of seeing a linguistic cue given a lexical class (P(cue|class) value). This probability is computed given the occurrences of cues in a corpus (codified in the signatures file) and the information of belonging or not belonging of these words to different classes (codified in indicators file). The probability is computed for each studied cue in the signatures file and for each class in the indicators file.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

CQP query Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS allows querying an already indexed corpus (see CQP indexer WS for indexing details). The WS is based on the IMS Open Corpus Workbench (CWB). Language independent WS.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

CQP indexer Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
CQP indexer WS based on the IMS Open Corpus Workbench (CWB). The input is an annotated corpus in tabular format. The output is the Corpus ID to be used by the CQPquery Web Service. Language independent WS.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

IULA text converter Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another. Based on the Linux command that converts text from one encoding to another encoding.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Location nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies location nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to t...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

LMF file merger Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given two LMF files, this webservice merges them into a single LMF file. It works for LMF files encoding the information in the same way, i.e. same labels, values and structure. This will work, for example, for merging different lexica learnt under PANACEA platform. If the LMF files contain equivalent information encoded in different ways, a mapping into a common format should be previously performed. WARNING: this version of the webservice only works for LMF files without references. Thi...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Human nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies human nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The ouptut is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. ou can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to their ...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Select Nouns from LMF lexicon Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a LMF file with nouns classified with a score (see Nouns classifier Web Services), this WS filters the nouns with confidence over a desired threshold. Language independent WS.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

MaltParser Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS calls an instance of MaltParser for Spanish trained with the IULA treebank developed in the Metanet4you project. The input of this WS is plain text. The service performs PoS tagging with FreeLing and then performs the dependency parsing using Malt parser. The output follows CoNLL format.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Abstract nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies abstract nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to th...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Favourites (4)

Eventive nouns classifier Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS identifies eventive nouns in a part of speech tagged text (with FreeLing Morphosyntactic tagger V 3.0 WS). The classification is performed with a pre-trained Decision Tree. The output is a LMF file with the classifier prediction for each noun. You can choose to have this prediction as: - "scored": each noun gets a score of being or not being a member of the class (bigger than 0 means class member, smaller, non member of the class) - "filtered": the nouns are filtered according to t...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

LMF file merger Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given two LMF files, this webservice merges them into a single LMF file. It works for LMF files encoding the information in the same way, i.e. same labels, values and structure. This will work, for example, for merging different lexica learnt under PANACEA platform. If the LMF files contain equivalent information encoded in different ways, a mapping into a common format should be previously performed. WARNING: this version of the webservice only works for LMF files without references. Thi...

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Select Nouns from LMF lexicon Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
Given a LMF file with nouns classified with a score (see Nouns classifier Web Services), this WS filters the nouns with confidence over a desired threshold. Language independent WS.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

MaltParser Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es
This WS calls an instance of MaltParser for Spanish trained with the IULA treebank developed in the Metanet4you project. The input of this WS is plain text. The service performs PoS tagging with FreeLing and then performs the dependency parsing using Malt parser. The output follows CoNLL format.

Provider: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)