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Views 763 Favourites 0 Web Service Weka noun signatures creator Web Service SOAPSoaplab Es

Specified Name (from WSDL): AnalysisServiceService |
aka create_weka_noun_signatures Add_annotation_inactiveAdd_annotation_inactiveLog in to add alternative_name
Annotations: 74 Total number of annotations from the provider's definition / description document. 60 Total number of annotations submitted by members of the BioCatalogue. 14 Total number of annotations sourced from other registries. 0


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Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)


Submitter / Source:
Marc Poch RieraEs (over 12 years ago)

Base URL:

WSDL Location: (download last cached WSDL file)

by Muntsa Padró (over 12 years ago)

This web service creates a weka file containing context information of a list of nouns in a given corpus. The context information for each noun is extracted using a set of Regular Expressions and it is encoded in one vector (one line per noun in the weka file). Each slot in the vector represents the number of times the regular expression in this position has been observed with the given noun.

- corpusId: Already indexed CQP corpus ID from which to extract the signatures. You can index your PoS tagged corpus using cqp_index web service.
- regularExpressions: List of Regular Expressions to be applied separated by line breaks. The order of the REs in this file will be the order in the weka vectors.

Optional parameters:
- className: Name of the class to be included in the weka file.
- indicators: Indicators file informing about the belonging of different nouns to the studied class. Format: one word per line with binary values of belonging/not belonging to the class separated by tab. In UTF-8. Example:
- lemmas: If the information about belonging, not belonging to the class (indicators) is not available, you may want to include a list of nouns to be processed. The format is a list of lemmata separated by line breaks, in UTF-8. If this and indicators fields are empty, all nouns in corpus will be processed (may take a long time).
- minOccurrences: minimum number of times a noun has to be seen in the corpus to be included in the output file. If a list of lemmas is given, by default minOccurrences is set to 1.
- vector_type: type of vector desired at the output.

2.2 Outputs
- weka: weka file with noun vectors found in the given corpus.
- notFoundLemmas: list of lemmas that did not appear in the corpus more than the minOccurrences threshold.
- concordances: sentences in the corpus in which the selected nouns appear and informationa bout which Regular Expressions matched in each sentence. Useful for developing and testing the Res.

Details (from Soaplab server):
from Soaplab server (over 10 years ago)
  • ds_lsr_analysis :
    • analysis :
      • input :
        • type : Lexicon_Terminology_Extraction
        • name : create_weka_noun_signatures
        • analysis_extension :
          • installation : Soaplab2 default installation
          • output :
          • description : cat: crea les signatures en format weka pels noms donats o per tots els noms del corpus.
            es: crea las signaturas en formato weka para los nombres dados o para todos los nombres del corpus.
            en: create signatures in weka format for the given nouns or for all nouns in corpus.

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      License(s): Info
      Cost: Info
      by Santi (over 11 years ago)

      This Web Service is free for research use. It was developed in the framework of the PANACEA project, funded by the European Union Language Technologies Area, Information and Communication Technologies, of the 7th Framework Programme (7FP-ITC-248064).

      Usage Conditions: Info
      by Santi (over 11 years ago)

      These Terms and Conditions of Service will apply to your use of this web-service and by using the web-service, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of Service.

      (a) Authorized Users: users affiliated with a research or non-profit educational institution.

      (b) Authorized Use: Restricted to use for research or educational purposes. You should have the right to legally use the “Input data” to the web service and hence acquire all rights to the output data.

      (c) Prohibited use: commercial purposes, including charging a fee-for-service; it is also prohibited to use input data for which you did not obtain the necessary rights.

      (d) Warranty; Disclaimers: authorized Users recognize that IULA is an aggregator of third-party web services. This web-service owner warrants that to its knowledge use of the web service in accordance with the terms of this document will not infringe the copyright of any third party.

      (e) Liability: The web service and IULA will not be liable, and Users agree that they will not hold IULA or the web service liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, damages, costs, and/or attorneys fees of any kind that result from the use of this web service.

      Contact Info: Info
      by Santi (over 11 years ago)

      Publications: Info
      Citations: Info
      by silvia.arano (over 11 years ago)

      address = {Paris},
      title = {Automatic Lexical Semantic Classification of Nouns},
      url = {},
      booktitle = {Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T (et al.), editors. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ({LREC'12);} 2012 May 23-25; Istanbul, Turkey.},
      publisher = {European Language Resources Association},
      author = {Bel, Núria and Romeo, Lauren and Padró, Muntsa},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {1448--1455}

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      SOAP Operations (23)

      These are the SOAP operations available for the SOAP variant of this service. Click on each one to get more information and to annotate.


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      2 inputs | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      0 inputs | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 0 outputs

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      0 inputs | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      0 inputs | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      0 inputs | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      2 inputs | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 0 outputs

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 1 output

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      2 inputs | 0 outputs

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 0 outputs

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:


      1 input | 0 outputs

      Part of Service: Weka noun signatures creator Web Service

      Tags on this SOAP Operation:

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      Monitored Since : Friday April 20 , 2012 InfoWeka noun signatures creator Web Service
      98% Info
      Monitored Since : Friday April 20 , 2012 InfoWeka noun signatures creator Web Service

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