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Views 641 Favourites 0 Web Service MaltParser Web Service REST Es

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Submitter / Source:
Miquel CornudellaEs (over 5 years ago)

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by Miquel Cornudella (over 5 years ago)

This web service calls an instance of Malt parser ( for Spanish trained with the Iula treebank developed in the Metanet4you project.

The input of this webservice is plain text. The service performs PoS tagging with FreeLing and then performs the dependency parsing using Malt parser. The ouptut follows Conll format.

Languages: Spanish
Input: plain text.
Input example:

by Miquel Cornudella (over 5 years ago)

ds_lsr_analysis :
analysis :
analysis_extension :
input :
description :
cat: Analitzador de dependències utilitzant Malt Parser
es: Analizador de dependencias utilizando Malt Parser
en: Dependency parsing using Malt Parser.
output :
installation : Clam Web Service default installation
name : malt_parser
type : Syntactic_Tagging

License(s): Info
Cost: Info
by Miquel Cornudella (over 5 years ago)

This Web Service is free for research use. It was developed in the framework of the PANACEA project, funded by the European Union Language Technologies Area, Information and Communication Technologies, of the 7th Framework Programme (7FP-ITC-248064).

Usage Conditions: Info
by Miquel Cornudella (over 5 years ago)

This Web Service is free for research use. It was developed in the framework of the PANACEA project, funded by the European Union Language Technologies Area, Information and Communication Technologies, of the 7th Framework Programme (7FP-ITC-248064).
Usage Conditions:
These Terms and Conditions of Service will apply to your use of this web-service and by using the web-service, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of Service.
(a) Authorized Users: users affiliated with a research or non-profit educational institution.
(b) Authorized Use: Restricted to use for research or educational purposes. You should have the right to legally use the “Input data” to the web service and hence acquire all rights to the output data.
(c) Prohibited use: commercial purposes, including charging a fee-for-service; it is also prohibited to use input data for which you did not obtain the necessary rights.
(d) Warranty; Disclaimers: authorized Users recognize that IULA is an aggregator of third-party web services. This web-service owner warrants that to its knowledge use of the web service in accordance with the terms of this document will not infringe the copyright of any third party.
(e) Liability: The web service and IULA will not be liable, and Users agree that they will not hold IULA or the web service liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, damages, costs, and/or attorneys fees of any kind that result from the use of this web service.

Contact Info: Info
by Miquel Cornudella (over 5 years ago)

Publications: Info
Citations: Info

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