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Member of the BioCatalogue Miquel Cornudella


Display Name:
Miquel Cornudella

Email address:
miquel.cornudella [at]



Services Submitted (27)

Freeling Anonymizer UPF REST Es
This WS substitutes proper nouns with tags. This process anonymizes an input text by eliminating any person, place, corporation, etc. name. The service automatically calls the FreeLing WS and makes use of its Named Entity Recognition tool to detect proper nouns. The languages supported are English, Catalan, Spanish, Asturian, Welsh, Galician, Italian, Russian and Portuguese. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

CQP Analyzer Web Service REST Es
This WS allows analyzing an already indexed corpus (see CQP indexer WS for indexing details). The WS returns an Excel file with some statistical metrics such as number of nouns, verbs, ngrams, etc. The languages supported are Spanish and English. ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : Corpus analysis bases on the CWB corpus workbench installation : Clam Web Services default installation ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

CQP Query Web Service REST Es
This WS allows querying an already indexed corpus (see CQP indexer WS for indexing details). The WS is based on the IMS Open Corpus Workbench (CWB). Language independent WS. Input: CorpusId: {id of the corpus you created with the CQP index web service} Query: A CQP query. Output: The CQP output as it would be in the command line. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : CQP Query Web ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

CQP Indexer Web Service REST Es
CQP indexer WS based on the IMS Open Corpus Workbench (CWB). The input is an annotated corpus in tabular format. The output is the Corpus ID to be used by the CQPquery Web Service. Language independent WS. Input: corpus: Annotated corpus in tabular format. structure: structure of the corpus. More info.: Output: The Corpus id to be used in the CQP Query web service. Input example: corpus:

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Ted Pedersen's Text Similarity Web Service REST Es
This WS is based on Ted Pedersen's Text Similarity module. It measures the similarity of two documents based on the number of shared words scaled by the lengths of the files. Text Similarity WS computes the F-Measure, the Dice Coefficient, the Cosine, and the Lesk measure. Language independent WS.

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Ted Pedersen's Ngrams Counter Web Service REST Es
This WS performs the Count function from Ted Pedersen's Ngram Statistics Package (used to identify word Ngrams that appear in large corpora using standard tests of association such as Fisher's exact test, the log likelihood ratio, Pearson's chi-squared test, the Dice Coefficient, etc.). Language independent WS. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: 'Funció Count del Ngram Statistics Pack...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Ted Pedersen's Ngram Statistics Package REST Es
Ted Pedersen's Ngram Statistics Package (used to identify word Ngrams that appear in large corpora using standard tests of association such as Fisher's exact test, the log likelihood ratio, Pearson's chi-squared test, the Dice Coefficient, etc.). Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: 'Ngram Statistics Package' de Ted Pedersen (s'utilitza per calcular la coocurrència entre paraules). ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Vocabulary analyzer Web Service REST Es
This web service calculates different lexicometric measures and displays them graphically (tokens, types, hapaxes & type/token ratio). Input: plain text corpus with one token per line Input example: This is an example

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

MaltParser Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: Analitzador de dependències utilitzant Malt Parser es: Analizador de dependencias utilizando Malt Parser en: Dependency parsing using Malt Parser. output : installation : Clam Web Service default installation name : malt_parser type : Syntactic_Tagging

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Bohnet parser Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: Analitzador de dependències utilitzant Bohnet Parser es: Analizador de dependencias utilizando Bohnet Parser en: Dependency parsing using Bohnet's graph-based Parser. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : bohnet_parser type : Syntactic_Tagging

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

TMX shuffling Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: . es: . en: Tmx translation units scrambler output : installation : Clam Web Service default installation name : tmx_shuffling type : Others

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

PDF to text converter Web Service REST Es
This WS converts PDF documents to plain text format. Language independent WS. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: conversor de pdf a txt. es: conversor de pdf a txt. en: pdf to txt converter. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : pdftotext type : Format_Conversion

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

HTML to text converter Web Service REST Es
A WS to convert HTML documents to plain text format. Language independent WS. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: conversor d'html a txt. es: conversor de html a txt. en: Html to txt converter. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : html2text type : Format_Conversion

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Stream editor Web Service REST Es
This WS is used to filter text. It extracts part of a file using pattern matching or substituting multiple occurrences of a string within a file with the sed command. Sed is typically used for extracting part of a file using pattern matching or substituting multiple occurrences of a string within a file. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: . es: . ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

MS Word to text converter Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: conversor de Word doc a txt. es: conversor de Word doc a txt. en: Word doc to txt converter. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : catdoc type : Format_Conversion

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

IULA text converter Web Service REST Es
Convert character encoding of given files from one encoding to another. Based on the Linux command that converts text from one encoding to another encoding. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : output : name : iconv

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Columns selector Web Service REST Es
Processor to extract desired data by columns. Based on Linux awk. Columns: indicate the columns number you desire separated by commas. Input: Raw data. Default column separator is blank space or tabs. You can optionally specify the input and output separators. Example: Columns: 4,2 Input: or Output example: http://ws02.iula.upf....

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

File splitter Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: Donat un fitxer, el parteix en fitxers més petits, del nombre de línies indicat com a paràmetre d'entrada (defecte 1000 línies) es: Dado un fichero, lo parte en ficheros más pequeños, del número de líneas indicado como parámetro de entrada (defecto 1000 lineas). en: Given a file, split it into smaller files containing the ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Linescrambler parallel Web Service REST Es
This WS will scramble the lines in a parallel text corpus keeping the alignment. The goal is to make it difficult to reproduce the original text. The input size limit is 100 MB. Language independent WS. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: . es: . en: Web service to scramble the lines in a parallel corpus. output : installation : Clam Web ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Linescrambler Web Service REST Es
This WS scrambles the lines in a file. The goal is to make it difficult to reproduce the original text. The input size limit is 100 MB. Language independent WS.

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Services Responsible For (0)

Services Annotated (27)

Freeling Chunker Parser Web Service REST Es
Freeling-based chunker parser (v4.1) Languages: English, Catalan, Spanish, Asturian and Galician. Input: Plain text Output: Freeling output format, XML, XML CQP ready. Input example: Output example: Output XML example:

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Freeling Dependency Parser REST Es
Freeling-based dependency parser (v4.1) Languages: English, Catalan, Spanish, Asturian and Galician. Input: Plain text Output: Freeling output format, XML, XML CQP ready. Input example: Output example: Output XML example:

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Freeling Morphological Analyzer UPF REST Es
This Web Service deploys a FreeLing-based morphological analyzer (v 3.0). The languages supported are English, Catalan, Spanish, Asturian, Welsh, Galician, Italian, Russian and Portuguese.

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Freeling NER UPF REST Es
This Web Service deploys a FreeLing-based Named Entity Recognition System (v 4.1). The languages supported are English, Catalan, Spanish, Asturian, Welsh, Galician, Italian, Russian and Portuguese.

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Freeling Sentence Splitter UPF REST Es
This WS performs a FreeLing-based sentence splitter (v 4.1). The WS splits a file in plain text format and UTF-8 encoded into units (tokens). Output sentences are separated by empty lines. The languages supported are English, Catalan, Spanish, Asturian, Welsh, Galician, Italian, Russian and Portuguese. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: segmentador de textos basat en Freeling. ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Freeling Tagger UPF REST Es
This is the UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger. Languages: English, Catalan, Spanish, Asturian, Welsh, Galician, Italian and Portuguese. Job duration: 1M words takes aprox. one minute. This depends on the server load. Input: plain text. Input example: Output format: word, lemma, tag, probability, word-char-start and word-char-end all tab separated. Output format example: ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Freeling Tokenizer UPF REST Es
This WS deploys a FreeLing-based text tokenizer (v 4.1). The WS splits a file in plain text format and UTF-8 encoded into units (tokens). The languages supported are Catalan, English, Galician, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Welsh, and Asturian.

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Linescrambler Web Service REST Es
This WS scrambles the lines in a file. The goal is to make it difficult to reproduce the original text. The input size limit is 100 MB. Language independent WS.

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Linescrambler parallel Web Service REST Es
This WS will scramble the lines in a parallel text corpus keeping the alignment. The goal is to make it difficult to reproduce the original text. The input size limit is 100 MB. Language independent WS. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: . es: . en: Web service to scramble the lines in a parallel corpus. output : installation : Clam Web ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

File splitter Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: Donat un fitxer, el parteix en fitxers més petits, del nombre de línies indicat com a paràmetre d'entrada (defecte 1000 línies) es: Dado un fichero, lo parte en ficheros más pequeños, del número de líneas indicado como parámetro de entrada (defecto 1000 lineas). en: Given a file, split it into smaller files containing the ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Columns selector Web Service REST Es
Processor to extract desired data by columns. Based on Linux awk. Columns: indicate the columns number you desire separated by commas. Input: Raw data. Default column separator is blank space or tabs. You can optionally specify the input and output separators. Example: Columns: 4,2 Input: or Output example: http://ws02.iula.upf....

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

IULA text converter Web Service REST Es
Convert character encoding of given files from one encoding to another. Based on the Linux command that converts text from one encoding to another encoding. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : output : name : iconv

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

MS Word to text converter Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: conversor de Word doc a txt. es: conversor de Word doc a txt. en: Word doc to txt converter. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : catdoc type : Format_Conversion

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Stream editor Web Service REST Es
This WS is used to filter text. It extracts part of a file using pattern matching or substituting multiple occurrences of a string within a file with the sed command. Sed is typically used for extracting part of a file using pattern matching or substituting multiple occurrences of a string within a file. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: . es: . ...

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

HTML to text converter Web Service REST Es
A WS to convert HTML documents to plain text format. Language independent WS. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: conversor d'html a txt. es: conversor de html a txt. en: Html to txt converter. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : html2text type : Format_Conversion

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

PDF to text converter Web Service REST Es
This WS converts PDF documents to plain text format. Language independent WS. Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: conversor de pdf a txt. es: conversor de pdf a txt. en: pdf to txt converter. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : pdftotext type : Format_Conversion

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

TMX shuffling Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: . es: . en: Tmx translation units scrambler output : installation : Clam Web Service default installation name : tmx_shuffling type : Others

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Bohnet parser Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : input : analysis_extension : description : cat: Analitzador de dependències utilitzant Bohnet Parser es: Analizador de dependencias utilizando Bohnet Parser en: Dependency parsing using Bohnet's graph-based Parser. installation : Clam Web Service default installation output : name : bohnet_parser type : Syntactic_Tagging

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

MaltParser Web Service REST Es
Details: ds_lsr_analysis : analysis : analysis_extension : input : description : cat: Analitzador de dependències utilitzant Malt Parser es: Analizador de dependencias utilizando Malt Parser en: Dependency parsing using Malt Parser. output : installation : Clam Web Service default installation name : malt_parser type : Syntactic_Tagging

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

Vocabulary analyzer Web Service REST Es
This web service calculates different lexicometric measures and displays them graphically (tokens, types, hapaxes & type/token ratio). Input: plain text corpus with one token per line Input example: This is an example

Provider: ws-iulaterm-upf-edu

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