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Miquel Cornudella Es

last active about 1 year ago

Affiliation: IULA


last active over 10 years ago

Affiliation: none

Gemma Martínez Es

last active over 8 years ago

Affiliation: IULA, Institut de Lingüística Aplicada (CER, UPF)

marta.villegas Es

last active over 11 years ago

Affiliation: none

silvia.arano Es

last active over 9 years ago

Affiliation: none

Santi Es

last active over 10 years ago

Affiliation: none

Carlos Morell Es

last active over 12 years ago

Affiliation: UPF-IULA

Jorge Vivaldi Es

last active over 12 years ago

Affiliation: Applied Linguistic Institute, UPF

Muntsa Padró Es

last active over 11 years ago

Affiliation: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Marc Poch Riera Es

last active over 9 years ago

Affiliation: IULA - UPF Universitat Pompeu Fabra